Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Unit 2 Final Draft

To refine the design process once more.
To gain marks for assessment objective 2.

Draw a pencil (or digital) design that is as close to what your final design will look like. 
Work at the same size as the final artefact.
Remember, this is the whole design, not just the front. e.g. if you and making a book cover, include the spine and back.
Yes, it needs to be relatively detailed.
If you wish to complete the final piece before youre exam as a trial, feel free. Your exam will then be a breeze!

Photograph your sketchbook page or drawing.

You will be graded on
Slight changes in terms of refining your design. This could be moving text, changing the size of an element, altering the rendering of an aspect, etc etc.

Time needed
2 hrs

Mon 11th April

Unit 2 Colour Choices

In order for you to fully explore the combinations of colours that you could potentially use in your design, you must trial a draft in various colour schemes.

Take a draft and colour it using colour scheme ideas. This could include:
Monochromatic, complementary, analogous and triadic. There are many more examples - high saturation, low saturation with spot colour. It's up to you.
*Please ensure that the colour choice you make for your final pieces is included in the examples that you create.

Post to your blog with a short explanation of what and why you have done this. You should also point out the most successful version and explain why.

Checklist for assessment
Can we tell straight away that you have consciously used colour?

Monday 11 April

Below is Michael's A* example.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Copy of an existing work.

This task will allow you to investigate and practice how a designer has worked.
You will be expected to use the same (or very near) process and materials as the designer you have chosen.

• Look on your pinboards or in one of my books for a style of working that would be suitable for your current project.
• Consider and research how the designer has worked. You will normally be able to work it out from just looking at the work. Discuss with your tutor the process and material needed.
• Write a short description of what will be required and in what order.
• Then set to work - remember to take a few work-in-progress shots.

Description / short written plan
Screen shots and photos of work-in-progress
Final piece together with original - see eg above

You will be graded on
How well you have gotten into the methods and processes used by your chosen designer

Time needed
6 hrs

Fri 24th March

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Mid Unit Assessment

Deadline: 3.20 Tues 8 March
Take a look again at The Perfect Blog to check that you are presenting your work the best you can.
Please ensure that the following work is posted to your course blog. 

Brainstorming / Brief

Full Pinboards

Scamps - other designers

Conventions of the form

Scamps (thumbnails) - yours

Photos of subject matter

Drawings of subject matter

Refined drafting ideas