Saturday, 30 January 2016

Setting up for the exam

To set up all of the necessary elements to help organise your exam prep.

New Unit 2 GCSE Graphics blog - Simple white template
Header (900 x 300px) - 'Name / Unit 2 GCSE Graphics'
Pinterest Pinboards x 3 - Inspiration / Type / Subject Matter
Link pinboards to your blog.

Time needed
1 Lesson

Tuesday 2 Feb

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Unit 1 Deadline

Unit 1 deadline is 3.20 on Friday 29th of Jan. 
8 lessons, 3.5 weeks of this term.
Unit 2 exam papers will be given out on Tuesday the 2nd of Feb.
Unit 2 exam is on Mon 11 and Tues 12 of April. 6 school weeks + half term and Easter.
Your mock exam task will be related to your exam artefact.

Final Draft

To refine the design process once more.
To gain marks for assessment objective 2.

Draw a pencil (or digital) design that is as close to what your final design will look like. Work at the same size as the final artefact.
Remember, this is the whole design not just the front. e.g. if you and making a book cover, include the spine and back.

Photograph your sketchbook page or drawing.

You will be graded on
Slight changes in terms of refining your design. This could be moving text, changing the size of an element, altering the rendering of an aspect, etc etc.

Time needed
2 hrs

Start of lesson, Tues 12 Jan.