Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Refing Scamps

To further develop your layout ideas

Take one of your favourite scamps and draw it neater at an A5-ish size.

Do this 3 times with the same design, refining each time as you go. After each drawing, annotate to describe what elements you can refine. This could be type size/placement, character size/placement,
You don't have to include colour at this stage.

AO2 Refine their
ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes

Photograph and post to blog.
Checklist for assessment
3 refined drafts with annotations.

Wed 1 July, regardless of Olympic Day.

Photos of Subject Matter - Contact Sheet

To gather further primary research for your unit 1 project. 

To enable those who feel drawing is weak to collect useful primary research.   
Within the mark scheme, AO3 states: 'Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms.'

1. Consider the subject matter for your project. Take a collection of 30+ images that you could either edit and use in the final artefact or just use as drawing/illustration reference.
To get the best results form this task, be as creative as you can with your subject and composition. 
As an example, if you have a wise old wizard in your book—and don't have a wise old wizard to hand—dress up your friend/dad/self in a bed sheet, cardboard hat and long stick. Pose them in different, relevant positions. 
Or, look on YouTube for tutorials about how to create wise old wizard make-up. There are loads of tutorials (plenty on zombies) on make-up. Make sure you then photograph the 'making of' period.
You will get plenty of good results from using your initiative. 
Do not make excuses as to why you couldn't get interesting images, there is no excuse.

2. Screen shot the collection of thumbnail photographs. (see presentation above)
Open in Photoshop (or print off and write on the paper) and annotate -
  • Circle image that are good. This might be due to them being in focus, correct composition etc. 
  • Cross out images that are not to be used. Out of focus, badly cropped, wrong position etc. 
  • Write simple notes against the photos, 'out of focus', 'too far away' or 'too dark', 
  • Make your annotations obvious - write in pink? 
Within the post and underneath the contact sheet, comment on the following:
  • What were your intentions for the shoot? Why take these images? 
  • What are the successful elements, What worked well? 
  • What were the unsuccessful elements? What didn't work well? 
  • If you were to take these images again, what would you do to make them more suitable? 
  • Do you believe that you have all the shots you need for the project? If not, what others do you need to take? 
Save as a jpeg and post to your blog.

Checklist for assessment

Lots of interesting photographs with concise and insightful evaluative annotations. 

First lesson back after the Summer hols.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Scamps - Other Desginers

To further understand the part white space plays in a graphic artefact.
To become aware of how designers balance elements on a page.

Gather a range of similar artefacts. This can be via Pinterest or your own examples.
Draw them in your sketchbook.
Look at your example and loosely sketch the page. Pay close attention to the light and dark tones—allow your brain to 'threshold' the greys in to either light or dark tones. See my measly example above.
The images above are of magazines - not book covers, but you get the gist.

See my example above.

Checklist for assessment

12 examples.

Time needed
Two hours.


Start of Lesson Wed 24th June.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Subject Matter Drawings

You will need to evidence that you have looked hard at the world around you. You can do this by drawing from life, your own photos or web reference (pin boards?)

Create sketchbook pages full to brimming with small / medium sized 'primary' drawings of your subject matter. A students - 4 pages+ / C students - 2 pages / E - students - 1 page.
Primary drawings are direct from photos or real life - not from other illustrators' work.

Photograph the pages and post them to your blog. Post title- Drawing from subject matter.

Checklist for assessment
Full, bustling pages / detail / obvious investment of time / different approaches to drawing

Time needed
2 hrs+

Start of lesson, Wednesday 17th June.

Here's a little tip. Don't let your brain trick you into giving up as soon as your reach your first drawing hurdle. Keep on going and make a busy, messy drawing if you wish. Just don't throw away until all avenues have been exhausted. If you are drawing a load of smallish drawings, cram your page with examples. You will be amazed at how effective they look all huddled together.

Below are some examples of the sorts of pages you could be competing...

Thursday, 4 June 2015

HWK - Brainstorm

To allow you to retrieve and create a wealth of ideas for your unit 1 project.

1. Create a post for the brief. Either copy in my example or write your own.

2. In your sketchbook, brainstorm all of the possible ideas / associations that you associate with your story / lyrics / title / synopsis / brand.
This could be evidenced in many forms:

Children's book cover - print the story out, double spaced and annotate i the margins. Highlight key scenes and iconography that could be used on the cover.
Game cover - start with a few words in the middle of a page. For Epic City Limits is would write the 'name' of the game, 'city', 'jobs', 'youths' etc. Then, using a thesaurus, branch out with connections.
Digipak - brainstorm the name of the album... and print off lyrics by a similar artiste and annotate them in the margins. 
Packaging design - Brainstorm the name of the product... and the overall 'feel' or 'message' of the product.

Photographed and on blog.

Checklist for assessment
Loads of interesting ideas.

Time needed
1 hr

Lesson start, Wed 10 June.